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H. Walter Lack

Alexander von Humboldt and the Botanical Exploration of the Americas

$ 60.00| £ 45.00

Now available in a new edition, this gorgeously illustrated book showcases botanical masterpieces by Alexander von Humboldt, one of history’s great scientists and explorers.

Recording Alexander von Humboldt’s historic expedition to the Americas and Cuba—hailed by many as the “scientific discovery of America”—these intricate and delicately tinted prints reveal his revolutionary findings as he traveled through jungles, across rivers, and over mountainous terrain. The illustrations in the book give the English and Latin botanical names of the plants and are followed by an exhaustive index. Internationally renowned botanist H. Walter Lack lends his expertise to a fascinating essay that discusses Humboldt’s significant contributions to the world of botany and scientific research. Technically precise, the prints are equally appealing to anyone who appreciates fine art and botanical illustration.

Hardcover, 280 pages, 24,0 x 34,0 cm, 9.4 x 13.4 in, 142 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-8415-3
US May 14, 2018
UK March 12, 2018
Status of delivery: This title is available.


H. Walter Lack

H. WALTER LACK is a professor at the Free University of Berlin. He is the author of numerous books on botanical illustrations, including Jardin de la Malmaison: Empress Josephine’s Garden and Florilegium Imperiale (both by Prestel).

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