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Florian Langenscheidt (Editor)

Best of German Industry

$ 50.00| £ 39.00

Wide ranging and full of insightful facts, this volume features dozens of profiles of German companies that are leading the way in technology, innovation and sustainability.

Germany has long been home to industries that are dedicated to high quality manufacturing, focused on technological advancements, committed to sustainability and driven by an entrepreneurial spirit. Even in uncertain economic times, the nation’s leading industries manage to be both nimble and competitive. This exciting book brings together the most exemplary of those companies in an elegant and accessible format.

Each company is profiled with an insightful text that presents its history, evolution, challenges and successes. Readers will learn how Germany’s industrial leaders are responding to demands for deindustrialization, concerns around offshore manufacturing, and calls for climate neutrality. Multiple images include photographs of each company’s products, headquarters, factory floor, offices, and the individuals behind their success. A fascinating look into what makes Germany such an industrial success story, this book is an inspiring and informative resource for anyone interested in understanding the key attributes and practices that have made German companies world leaders in their respective fields.

Original Title: Best of German Industry
Originally published by: Zeit-Verlag Gerd Bucerius
Hardcover, approx. 248 pages, 24,0 x 31,0 cm, 9.4 x 12.2 in, 200 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-8023-0
US March 12, 2024
Status of delivery: This title is available.


Florian Langenscheidt has authored eight books about happiness and optimism to date, and issued many more as a publisher. He has studied philosophy, literature, journalism and management in three countries; which, combined with his curiosity, fellow-feeling and creative bent, has led him into no fewer than ten different spheres of work. Along with founding companies himself, he has helped the founders of others to succeed. He is chair of the board of trustees for the German Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prize, and as such has a special interest in fostering creativity. As founder of Children for a Better World he has helped thousands of others get a start in life – for which he has received the German Order of Merit and the German Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prize.

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