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Funny Birds

A Pop-Up Book

Recommended age group: 4 +
Funny Birds
$ 19.95| £ 14.99

High up in the treetops, strange birds are hatching from their eggs, craning their necks toward their mothers, and exploring their new environment. In this enchanting book, paper artist Philippe UG has created an avian paradise comprising 14 unique and delightful birds. With the turn of each page, UG’s birds form intricate patterns of colors and shapes, inviting readers deep into a world of feathers, leaves, flowers, and wings, making this the perfect gift for children and anyone fascinated with exquisite design.

Hardcover, 18 pages, 15x21, 8 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7147-4
US April 15, 2013
UK April 15, 2013
Status of delivery: This title is available.

