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Claire Tancons

Look for Me All Around You

Sharjah Biennial 14: Leaving the Echo Chamber

Look for Me All Around You
$ 25.00| £ 19.99 (* recommended retail price)

Accompanying Sharjah Biennial 14, this volume provides a generative and global reading on performance.

Accompanying Look for Me All Around You, one of the three sections of Sharjah Biennial 14, this book charts a non-chronological time-space (dis-)continuum between the Americas and the Emirates, building unexpected trans-oceanic and multi-diasporic bridges for a global history. This volume provides interpretative, discursive, poetic, political, and theoretical tools to compare and contrast modes of migration, production, extraction, and exploitation through a series of 30 newly commissioned contextspecific works and critical texts. Look for Me All Around You also operates as an artists’ book generative of readings on performance.

With contributions from Hannah Black
Hardcover, 270 pages, 100 color illustrations, 50 b/w illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-5851-2
US January 26, 2021
UK January 07, 2021
Status of delivery: This title is available.


Claire Tancons

CLAIRE TANCONS is a curator and scholar invested in the discourse and practice of the postcolonial politics of production and exhibition with a particular focus on performance.

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