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Valérie Mettais


The Essential Paintings

$ 45.00| £ 35.00 (* recommended retail price)

In celebration of the 250th birthday of the English Romantic painter this opulent edition features stunning, accordion-fold, color reproductions of Turner's essential works, accompanied by a separate booklet providing descriptions and the bakground of each painting.

Boasting nearly fifty paintings and watercolors, this boxed set offers the essentials of J. M. W. Turner’s work, along with as a booklet detailing the artist’s life and accomplishments. Known as the painter of light and fires, Turner’s revolutionary works transformed nature into a canvas of emotional intensity and sublime beauty. This volume features stunning reproductions of masterpieces such as Hannibal Crossing the Alps; Vesuvius in Eruption; Rome from Mount Aventine; Castle on Height Near Geneva; and The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons. Full page and fold-out illustrations allow for a deep appreciation of Turner’s vast, sweeping vistas, intricate details and textures, dynamic, complex compositions, and brilliant use of light and atmospheric effects. The perfect gift for fans of Romantic art and of Turner himself, this elegant boxed set captures the drama and movement that have made his work both timeless and inspirational.

Hardcover, 240 pages, 18,5 x 26,0 cm, 7.3 x 10.2 in, 192 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7780-3
US February 04, 2025
UK February 11, 2025


Valérie Mettais

Valérie Mettais' previous books include Klimt: The Essential Paintings and Van Gogh: The Essential Paintings, both published by Prestel.

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