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Flavia Ruotolo

The Day Time Stopped

1 minute - 26 countries

With illustrations by Flavia Ruotolo
$ 14.95| £ 10.99 (* recommended retail price)

In different time zones but at the same single moment on Earth this brightly colored book hops across the globe to deliver a simple but profound message about diversity.

One afternoon in Italy, a little girl is about to take a bite of her delicious popsicle when time . . . stops. At that very moment, across the planet, people and animals are frozen in action—captured by this book’s warm, quirky illustrations and clever, time-stamped captions. A penguin hatches in South Georgia; a little girl gets a haircut in Brazil; a family sits down to breakfast in California; a tiger falls asleep in Bangladesh; a boy’s football ball gets stuck in a tree in Cape Verde. The sheer enormity of planet Earth can be impossible for young kids to grasp. Here, in this playful introduction to time zones, hemispheres, and life in different climates, kids will identify with all the ordinary things going on at the same time in our extraordinary world.

With illustrations by Flavia Ruotolo
Hardcover, 48 pages, 20x20
illustrated throughout
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7489-5
US October 05, 2021
UK September 07, 2021
Status of delivery: This title is available.


Flavia Ruotolo is founder of the indie design label, Le Macchinine and the author of two previous picture books for children. She lives in Genoa, Italy.

Flavia Ruotolo