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Thaïs Vanderheyden

The National Menagerie of Art

Masterpieces from Vincent Van Goat to Lionhardo Da Stinki

With illustrations by Thaïs Vanderheyden
Recommended age group: 5 +
$ 12.95| £ 8.99 (* recommended retail price)

Elevating serious art to the heights of pure giggle-inducing fun, this collection of cleverly reimagined masterpieces is the perfect way to introduce young readers to great art.

Even the greatest works of art will often fail to enthrall young children. But insert a funny, loveable animal into the scene, and it’s a whole different story. This delightful picture book takes artistic license as it reimagines the world’s most famous paintings for a young audience. A teddy bear surfs Hokusai’s Great Wave; a charming pig changes Mona Lisa’s smile from cryptic to comic; Munch’s scream is far less angsty on a panda’s face, while Whistler’s mother–the elephant–gives new meaning to Arrangement in Grey and Black. While it covers every major artistic school in art history, from Michelangelo and Velázquez to Kahlo and Rothko, each snort and guffaw offers an opportunity to explore the paintings in ways that will help kids remember them for the rest of their lives.

With illustrations by Thaïs Vanderheyden
Hardcover, 56 pages, 19x20, 64 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7509-0
US May 03, 2022
UK March 15, 2022
Status of delivery: This title is available.


Thaїs Vanderheyden is the author and illustrator of a number of children’s books. This is her first book published in English. She lives near Antwerp, Belgium.

Thaïs Vanderheyden