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Debra N. Mancoff

50 American Artists You Should Know

$ 19.95| £ 14.99

While the history of American art is as varied as the fifty states the country is comprised of, it tells a story of a uniquely American aesthetic: bold, innovative, and uncompromising.

Starting with the portraits of John Singleton Copley and the landscape masterpieces of Frederic Church, this exciting look at the most important American artists moves through the era of Cassatt, Whistler, and Sargent to the groundbreaking works of O’Keeffe, Cornell, and Calder. This book also celebrates the artists who placed America at the forefront of modern art: Pollock, de Kooning, Rauschenberg, Warhol, Oldenburg, and Johns. The works of Sherman, Serra, and Close prove that America continues to produce challenging and influential artists. With its colorfully illustrated spreads and contextual approach, this is a superb guide for anyone interested in learning about American art.

Paperback, Flexi-cover, 160 pages, 19,3 x 24,0 cm, 7.6 x 9.4 in, 150 color illustrations, 30 b/w illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-4411-9
US April 24, 2010
UK February 24, 2010
Status of delivery: This title is available.

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Debra N. Mancoff

Debra N. Mancoff is Scholar in Residence at the Newberry library in Chicago. She has written numerous books on art, including the Pre-Raphaelites, women artists, and American art. She is also coauthor of a fashion blog for the Britannica Blog.

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