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50 Buildings You Should Know

50 Buildings You Should Know
$ 19.95| £ 14.99 (* recommended retail price)

Attractive, useful and entertaining, this collection of great buildings is a course in architectural history for readers of all ages. The fifty buildings presented here in chronological order represent the most compelling, intriguing, and awe-inspiring structures from all over the world. Along with the Pyramids of Cheops, the Parthenon, and the Colosseum, readers will learn about other masterpieces such as the Hagia Sophia in Turkey; Cambodia's Temple Complex at Angor Wat; the Potala Palace in Lhasa; and the Jewish Museum in Berlin. Each entry features full color photographs of the structure along with informative text presented in a dynamic format. Readers can find basic information about each building's artistic relevance, style, and contextual history while timelines and sidebars offer additional notes about architectural periods and techniques. From ancient Jordan and Guatemala to modern-day Manhattan and Munich, this world tour of great places offers a mini-course in architecture that will satisfy even the most passionate student's lust for learning about why and how we continue to create amazing buildings.

Paperback, 176 pages, 19,3 x 24,0 cm, 7.6 x 9.4 in, 200 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-3838-5
US September 12, 2007
UK July 12, 2007
Status of delivery: This title is available.

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