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Britta Benke

Georgia O'Keeffe: The Artist in the Desert

Recommended age group: 8 +
$ 9.95| £ 7.99 (* recommended retail price)

Now available in a new paperback edition, this book for young readers offers an illustrated introduction to the life and art of Georgia O’Keeffe.

Georgia O’Keeffe’s bold and colorful depictions of flowers, New York skylines, and desert landscapes are easily recognizable to most adults and endlessly intriguing to young readers. This introduction to the life and work of the world renowned painter is filled with details of her unique life: her choice to live alone in the desert, her fascination with the treasures she found there, and her dedication to her work. O’Keeffe’s signature paintings are intertwined with photographs of the artist at work creating a seamless narrative that links the painter’s captivating personal history to her iconic art.

Paperback, 32 pages, 24x28, 32 color illustrations, 2 b/w illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7250-1
US May 02, 2016
UK April 01, 2016
Status of delivery: This title is available.

