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Olaf Breidbach

Haeckel: Art Forms from the Ocean

The Radiolarian Prints of Ernst Haeckel

Haeckel: Art Forms from the Ocean
$ 25.00| £ 16.99 (* recommended retail price)

At the nexus of art and science, this dazzling new edition of Ernst Haeckel's first work reintroduces the genius of an enigmatic scientist and passionate observer of the natural world. Although original editions of this book are extremely rare, it is now available for the first time in paperback, beautifully reproducing his drawings and watercolors. While the variety and detail of Haeckel's drawings display an impressive understanding of biological structure, the skill with which Haeckel drew these tiny aquatic protozoa renders them genuine works of art. This volume features commentary and descriptions of each of the radiolarians from Haeckel's work.

Paperback, 96 pages, 24,0 x 30,0 cm, 9.4 x 11.8 in, 45 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-3327-4
US April 21, 2005
UK April 21, 2005
Status of delivery: This title is available.


Olaf Breidbach

Olaf Breidbach studied art, philosophy, biology, and paleontology. Since 1995 he has occupied the chair in History of the Natural Sciences and been director of the Institute for the History of Medicine, Natural Sciences, and Technology at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, director of the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus Museum, leader of the department of Theoretical Biology at the Biological-Pharmaceutical faculty of the University of Jena, and a member of the Collaborative Research Center 482 "Ereignis Weimar-Jena. Kultur um 1800" (The Weimar-Jena Episode: Culture around 1800).

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