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Annette Roeder

13 Buildings Children Should Know

Recommended age group: 8 +
$ 14.95| £ 10.99 (* recommended retail price)

The world's most iconic buildings are made accessible and exciting for young readers in this colorful introduction to architecture that changed the world.

Children’s fascination with buildings is a natural outgrowth of their curiosity about anything strange or huge or complex. This unique book brings together thirteen architectural wonders that have intrigued children for years. Through activities such as games, quizzes, drawings and other activities, it teaches them the history behind each of the buildings, and presents fascinating facts about the design, historical use, and construction techniques. This book features pyramids built by men with pulleys, a tower that leans, an opera house shaped like a sailboat, a museum built like a spiral, and the most recent example, a “bird’s nest” stadium where the 2008 summer Olympics were held. Each of these buildings and more are introduced to young readers through lively texts and illustrations that will serve to heighten their interest and knowledge about the world’s most important architecture, and perhaps inspire them to dream and build on their own.

Hardcover, 48 pages, 24,0 x 28,0 cm, 9.4 x 11.0 in, 56 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-4171-2
US April 23, 2009
UK February 23, 2009
Status of delivery: This title is available.

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Annette Roeder, born in Munich in 1968, is an author, illustrator and architect. She has been writing picture books and children's books, as well as novels for adults for over 20 years. Her 12-book series Die Krumpflinge (‘The Crumplings’) is much loved by children aged 6+. She lives with her three children and dog Gusti in the south of Munich.

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