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Christopher Lehmpfuhl

Christopher Lehmpfuhl. Schlossplatz im Wandel – in Transition

$ 50.00| £ 39.99 (* recommended retail price)

A renowned Berlin-based painter captures the renaissance of one of his city’s most important landmarks.

The once and future home to Berlin’s City Palace, the Schlossplatz is an ever-changing space that reflects its city’s dynamic history. Published to coincide with the completion of the Humboldt Forum, this volume collects Christopher Lehmpfuhl's atmospheric panoramic paintings of Berlin’s historic center as it undergoes dramatic change. Lehmpfuhl documented the vast construction site over a decade—returning again and again to the same handful of sites in every season. His magnificent landscapes illuminate the lifecycle of a metropolis. Lehmpfuhl painted each work on site, in every kind of weather, and the paintings’ thick and swirling strokes reflect the energy of a city in constant flux. Behind-the-scenes photos of Lehmpfuhl at work demonstrate his signature technique—applying large amounts of paint by hand directly onto the canvas—and reveal the sheer physicality of his effort. The result is a love letter to Berlin, and a unique artistic glimpse into the laborious process of reimagining and rebuilding a city.

With an essay by Thomas Gädeke, with prefaces by Wilhelm von Boddien, Hartmut Dorgerloh, and Thomas Rabe

With contributions from Thomas Gädeke
Hardcover, 160 pages, 30,0 x 24,0 cm, 11.8 x 9.4 in, 151 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7841-1
US March 30, 2021
UK February 11, 2021
Status of delivery: This title is available.

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Christopher Lehmpfuhl’s work has been widely shown in museums and galleries throughout the world, most recently at Art Basel and at the Museum Würth in Künzelsau, Germany. He lives in Berlin, Germany.

Thomas Gädeke is a German art historian and former Head of the Department of Prints and Drawings at Schloss Gottorf in Schleswig, Germany.

Thomas Gädeke
Christopher Lehmpfuhl

Hartmut Dorgerloh

HARTMUT DORGERLOH is General Director of the Humboldt Forum.

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