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Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss (Editor)

Humboldt Forum

History of the Site: Exhibition Guide

$ 16.95| £ 11.99 (* recommended retail price)

Learn how Berlin’s exciting new cultural center presents its multifaceted 700-year history.

Monastery, royal palace, museum, parade ground, Palace of the Republic, archeological site, and cultural building – a lot has happened on this spot, in the middle of Berlin, on which the Humboldt Forum is located today. Where initially only a civil borough stood, since 1443 sovereigns and politicians have built, rebuilt, and demolished this site in order to bring their political vision into view. As a consequence, this building site has been the subject of contentious debates and disputes for centuries, and into the present. Because of this, the “history of the site” plays a central role for the Humboldt Forum. This checkered history will be examined in multiple exhibition spaces spread throughout the entire building, including the originally preserved palace cellar. There will be numerous authentic exhibits from various eras and lavish multimedia installations. By using selected objects, diverse themes and an innovative design, the exhibition guide provides an excellent companion to this central memorial site of German history.

Paperback, with flaps, 184 pages, 12,0 x 22,0 cm, 4.7 x 8.7 in, 136 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-5835-2
US December 10, 2019
Status of delivery: This title is available.

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