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Hans Engels, Axel Tilch

Bauhaus Architecture


$ 39.95| £ 29.99 (* recommended retail price)

Now available in an expanded and revised edition, this book contains an outstanding collection of photographs by the renowned architectural photographer Hans Engels and provides a detailed survey of surviving Bauhaus architecture in Europe.

Focusing on buildings designed by Bauhaus members from 1919 to 1933, this book features some 65 famous and lesser-known building projects in Germany, Vienna, Barcelona, Prague, and Budapest by architects including Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Arranged chronologically, Bauhaus Architecture offers informative commentary along with photographs, taken especially for this book. Engels’ photographs show many buildings in their newly restored condition and reflect the full range of Bauhaus architecture, one of the most influential schools of architecture in the 20th century.

Hardcover, 152 pages, 24,0 x 28,0 cm, 9.4 x 11.0 in, 120 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-8481-8
US October 30, 2018
UK September 03, 2018
Status of delivery: This title is available.

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HANS ENGELS is a renowned photographer whose work has been published in numerous books and magazines and has appeared in exhibitions throughout Europe. He is the author of Havana: The Photography of Hans Engels (Prestel). AXEL TILCH is a German architect and writer based in southern Germany. Now available in an expanded and revised edition, this book contains an outstanding collection of photographs by the renowned architectural photographer Hans Engels and provides a detailed survey of surviving Bauhaus architecture in Europe.

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