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Annabelle von Sperber, Susanne Rebscher

The Great Big Art History Colouring Book

With illustrations by Annabelle von Sperber
Recommended age group: 5 +
$ 14.95| £ 10.99 (* recommended retail price)

Young readers will find themselves immersed in art history with this large-format coloring book that provides hours of fun with great educational opportunities along the way.

Filled with imaginative drawings and sketches to color in and paint, this book features all twelve large plates and many more individual scenes from Annabelle von Sperber’s “Where’s the Artist?” book. Arranged chronologically, each scene depicts a critical juncture in the history of art: from the temples of ancient Egypt to Leonardo da Vinci’s studio. The drawings encourage coloring and learning about artistic movements and personalities, making this a source of information as well as a welcome outlet for the artist in all of us.

Translation from Paul Kelly
With illustrations by Annabelle von Sperber
Paperback, 48 pages, 28,5 x 39,5 cm, 11.2 x 15.6 in, 48 b/w illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7295-2
US March 01, 2017
UK March 01, 2017
Status of delivery: This title is available.


Annabelle von Sperber has illustrated more than 100 books of all kinds. Her most recent titles for children include "Where’s the Artist?" (Prestel). She lives in Berlin.

© Silke Weinsheimer
Annabelle von Sperber

After studying American and English literature and history of art in Kiel and Bonn, Susanne Rebscher landed her first dream job as an editor. Then, about ten years ago, she swapped it for her second dream job, which is writing children’s and YA books. Her books take you on exciting journeys back in time, where you can learn all about history and art.

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