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Eleanor Heartney, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal, Sue Scott

After the Revolution

Women Who Transformed Contemporary Art

eBook epub
$ 24.99| £ 15.99 (* recommended retail price)

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"Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?" asked the prominent art historian Linda Nochlin in a provocative 1971 essay. Today her insightful critique serves as a benchmark against which the progress of women artists may be measured. In this book, four prominent critics and curators describe the impact of women artists on contemporary art since the advent of the feminist movement.

eBook epub (epub), 220 color illustrations, 20 b/w illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-641-10821-2
Status of delivery: This title is available.

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Helaine Posner

HELAINE POSNER is Chief Curator at the Neuberger Museum of Art, SUNY Purchase.

More about the author

Nancy Princenthal

Nancy Princenthal, a New York-based art critic and lecturer, and Senior Editor at Art in America, has written on contemporary art for 25 years. She is the author of numerous books on art and a co-author of After the Revolution: Women Who Transformed Contemporary Art (Prestel).

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